Votre panier est vide


Tu cherches à te procurer certaines des nouveautés les plus populaires sur CONFIRMED, mais obtenir l'une de ces éditions limitées te paraît souvent compliqué. Notre but est d'offrir à nos membres la façon la plus équitable et la plus juste de magasiner, et nous travaillons tous les jours à cette fin. Afin de t'aider à mieux comprendre comment cela fonctionne, nous allons décomposer nos mécanismes de lancement étape par étape. Tu sauras ainsi ce qui se passe pendant chaque lancement et comment mettre toutes les chances de ton côté pour l'emporter.

What is a release mechanic?

Release mechanics are the systems adidas uses to manage the demand for exclusive products in a measured and controlled way. They were built to provide fairness for everyone to get a chance to shop one of the latest releases. CONFIRMED uses three types of release mechanics: Draw, Queue and Invite. Each offers a different purpose.

Why does CONFIRMED use release mechanics?

It's important to us that people who love a product get a fair and secure chance to cop. That’s why we’ve developed a series of complex mechanics, so real people can access the drops they want, with the best experience for every drop.

Which mechanic we use depends on the demand, availability, strategy and distribution of a drop. And each mechanic is customized to offer the best approach for each drop, using a mix of technical elements that allow us to assess demand, verify information and ease traffic load on our app. Based on this rating, we may drop a product with a mechanic or by a first come, first served approach.

Most importantly, the mechanics allow us to validate each and every user, evaluating their payment info, phone numbers, addresses, location data and more to try and prevent those gaming the system. That’s why you’re asked to become a member and verify your account before you can make a purchase.

How can I set myself up best to win?

Stay on top of the app! Make sure you always have the newest version of CONFIRMED and keep your profile up to date. That means inputting valid payment information and address info and enabling notifications and location services. Then, keep up with your notifications and read, favorite, and share the content you like. You never know what you’ll discover and what exclusive rewards we’ll send your way.

Find out more about each type of release mechanic and how they work below.

