Get your hands on the best of adidas from day one. Unlock members-only rewards, experiences, products and discounts. Join adiClub and unlock more by doing what you love.
Check out what’s happening in adiClub right now. Become a member, start earning points today, and you're one step closer to unlocking these rewards.
Make it count! Get points for doing what you love.
One adiClub community across all adidas apps. Collect points while you run, train or shop. Your membership, your way.
Why do I have two point balances in my account?
One balance is for points that help you level up in adiClub. The other balance is for points that you can spend on newly introduced benefits. These balances might have different amounts of points depending on how much you earn or spend.
Where can I find my points balance?
Please login to your personal adiClub account to find an overview of your points and levels.
How can I spend my points?
There are a number of ways you can spend your Points to Spend using the adidas app: spend them on discount vouchers, buy products, contribute to good cause or invest them into best experiences or partner offers of your choice. The amount of points you need to spend per reward is indicated in the adidas app. Stay tuned for more to come.
Can I spend my existing points?
Yes. Your points history will remain in your account so you can choose to spend them. There is a maximum of 100,000 points per account.
If I spend too many points, will I go down a level?
No. Spending your Points to Spend will not affect your level and you can only spend the available number of points.
Will my Points to Spend expire?
To reward our most loyal members, there will be more adiClub benefits for those who earn points on a regular basis. Points to Spend will expire—on a rolling basis and at the end of the calendar month—12 months after your last purchase or activity that earned you Points to Spend. But because all good things must come to an end, any Points to Spend can only be retained for a maximum period of 36 months—towards the end of the month—before they expire automatically.
Example: If you earned Points to Spend on 1 January, 2022 and 10 January, 2022, all your Points to Spend will be saved until the end of January 2023. However, if you made a purchase on June 21, 2022 and earned more Points to Spend, all your Points to Spend will be available for 12 months after that purchase, until the end of June 2023. In any case, the Points to Spend earned in January 2022 will no longer be available after the end of January 2025.
Can I redeem points on
Yes. Currently, you can only spend your Points to Spend on discount vouchers and prize draw entries on We will be continuously introducing new offers on Until then, download the adidas app and get the best out of adiClub.
Points x Products
Can I purchase products in store with my points?
No. You can only spend your points on products using the adidas app.
Why can't I find products that I can purchase with my points?
Please check that you are using the adidas app and be aware that redeemable products are limited. Follow the announcements in the app and never miss out.
Can I return a product I purchased with my points?
The return period for all products purchased with your points is 14 days after delivery. After we have received your product(s) back, your spent points are returned to your account within 14 days. Please be aware that you will be not able to get the same product with your points twice even if you have returned the product.
Points x Discount Voucher
I purchased a discount voucher using my Points to Spend, where can I use it?
Usually, you can use your discount voucher on the adidas app, on and in our Retail Stores. Please read the terms & conditions of your voucher.
I purchased a discount voucher using my Points to Spend, how long is it valid?
Usually, vouchers are valid for 60 days. Please read the terms & conditions of your voucher.
Can I return a discount voucher I purchased with points?
Unfortunately, no. However you can use your voucher within 60 days days after purchase. You can subscribe to our newsletter to not miss opportunities from your benefits.
Points x Good Cause
Will I get a donation report once I contributed points for a good cause of my choice?
No. Unfortunately, points contributions are not tax deductible.
Is it possible to see the history of my good cause contributions?
Yes. Please go to your adiClub profile and click on MEMBERSHIP HISTORY to see all movements in your points accounts.
Can I subscribe to regular good cause contributions?
No. Not yet. However, you can contribute to good causes of your choice as often as you want.
Can I get my points back if I want to withdraw my contribution to a good cause?
No. Withdraws are not possible.
Points x Partnerships
The partnership voucher I want to buy with points is out of stock. Will it come back?
It might come back. Please check back on a regular basis.
My partnership voucher does not work. What should I do?
If you do not receive a partnership voucher code either directly after your purchase or in your adiClub profile under voucher section or via email, please contact adidas Consumer Service. If you have a voucher code and it does not work on the website of our partner, please contact our partner's Consumer Service.
Can I return a partnership voucher and get my points back?
No. You can't return a partnership voucher and get your points back.
Can I transfer my purchased partnership voucher to another adiClub account?
No. Unfortunately neither voucher nor point transfers are possible.